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1948 - Started before Independence of Malaysia under grown number the 11th Province Wellesley Scout Group.

1958 - Jit Sin Scout started officially in 1958 under Group Scout Master Wong Tuck Hong under the 6th BM Scout Troop.

1966 - Assistant Scout master Leong Kok Hin joined as a scouter. The troop was already to getting strong with several Queen Scout (as it was known then) One scout (Mr. Yap Yen Cheu) represented Malaysia at the Greece Jamboree.

1969 - Our school scout won the 1st Runner-Up in the "Pertandingan dan Sukan Pengakap Peringkat Kebangsaan" (National Scouting Skill Competition).

1970 - As there were more than 100 scouts, the scout were divided into 2 groups namely 6th BM and 23th BM with Assistant District Commissioner Wong Tuck Hong in-charge of the 6th BM and 23rd BM under SM Leong Kok Hin.

1971 - Mr Song Choo Chang was transfered to our school after sometimes. He was appointed as the Assistant Scout Master of 23rd Troop. This 2 Troop were very active in camping, hiking, travelling, Jamboree and campfire. When Mr Wong Tuck Hong retired, Mr Chong Yoon Cheong took over to lead the scout troops.

1972 - Our school scout got the 2nd Runner-Up in the "Pertandingan dan Sukan Pengakap Peringkat Kebangsaan" (National Scouting Skill Competition).

1973 - Mr Chong Yoon Cheong was transfered to Penang. There was no scout master for 6th in the year of 1973.

1974 - ADC Wong retired and the 2 scouts groups were reorganised. The BM for senior scout (over 15 years old) under GSM Leong and the 23rd BM Scouts for GSM Song Choo Chang.

1977 - The scouts were very active them. Senior scout cycled to Pulau Langkawi. Another group went camping in Pulau Pangkor during the Jamboree Sempadan Malaysia - Thailand.

1978 - 8 scouts represented the state at the 4th Malaysian Jamboree in kuching, Sarawak.

1979 - 24 scouts and GSM Leong represented Penang state at the 3rd Border Jamboree in Hadyai, Thailand.

1982 - 40 scouts with GSM Leong represented Penang state at the 5th Malaysia Jamboree in Kota Bahru, Kelantan.

1985 - 8 Senior Scouts with ADC Leong represented Penang state at the National scout craft competition in Bukit Rakit, Terengganu and emergeed 3rd. 1986 45 scouts represented Penang state at the 6th Malaysia Jamboree in Kuantan, Pahang.

1987 - 17 scouts and ADC Leong represented Malaysia at the 2nd Senior Scouts Jamboree in Cha'am near Hua Hin in Petchaburi Province in Thailand.

1988 - 26 scouts and ADC Leong represented Malaysia at the Bangkok Metropolitan Jamboree in Bangkok in honour of the Thai King's 60th Birthday. First take in gril scout. Mr Song Choo Chang resigned and Madam Liew Nyok Pin took over as scout master of th 23rd BM Scout Troop.

1989 - Scout Master and 38 scouts represented Penang state at the 7th National Jamboree at Lumut, Perak.

1990 - 3 more scouts become King Scout, 32 scouts represented Penang at the Selangor Jamboree.

1993 - 1 scout represented Penang at the Sabah Jamboree.

1994 - 12 scouts become King Scout.

1995 - 17 scouts become King Scout. Madam Liew resigned and Mr Cheah Thim Tuck took over the 23rd BM Scout Troop. We won the Best Scouting Creation On National Day.

1996 - 2 scouts become King Scout and became the 3rd Yap Yen Cheu Cup Jit Sin (National Type) & (Independence) High School Scouting Skill Competition Overall Champion.

1998 - Highest achievement throughout recent years. Receive more than 4 overall champion in highly graded competitions and functions within a year.