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Introduction of Badges System hobbies or handicrafts, one of which may ultimately give him a career and not leave him hopeless and helpless when going out into the world. The Badges are merely intended as an encouragement to a boy to take up a hobby or occupation and to make some sort of progress in it; they are signs to an outsider that he has done so; they are ,not intended to signify that he is a master in the craft he is tested in .The object of the Badge System in Scouting can stimulate keenness on the part of every and any boy to take up hobbies that can be helpful in forming his character or developing his skill.

Each of the 3 sections below has its Progressive Training Scheme. Members are encouraged to pursue the highest award in their respective sections. Proficiency badges and a certificate are awarded by the Scout Association of Malaysia for each achievement in the wide choice of progressive and profiency badges available.

Cub Scout

Progressive Badges:
Lencana Keris Gangsa
Keris Gangsa
Lencana Keris Perak
Keris Perak
Lencana Keris Emas
Keris Emas
Proficiency Badges:
















The Blue Cord/Lanyard (Highest Award)

Junior/Boy Scout

Progressive Badges:
Lencana Usaha
Lencana Usaha
(Effort Badge)
Lencana Maju
Lencana Maju
(Develop Badge)
Lencana Jaya
Lencana Jaya
(Success Badge)
Proficiency Badges:
Category: Kegemaran (Interest) x 2




Jurumasak Khemah
(Camp Cook)


Koleksi Hobi
(Hobby Collection)

Peladang Muda


Pertahanan Diri
(Self Defense)


Category: Pengetahuan (Knowledge) x 3













Category: Perkhidmatan (Service) x 3

Pertolongan Cemas
(Emergency Aids)

Pemadam Api
(Fire Fighter)

Penyelamat Nyawa
(Life Guard)




(Quarter Master)

Pengawal Perkhemahan


The Green Cord/Lanyard (Highest Award)
To get the Green Cord/Lanyard, a junior scout must get achieve "Lencana Jaya" (Success Badge) and all 8 proficiency badges which are 2 from Interest, 3 from Knowledge and 3 from Service with conditions:
1. had achieved "Lencana Jaya" for a least 3 months;
2. shows great leadership that worthy of imitation; and
3. shows good behavior.

Senior/Venture Scout

Progressive Badges:
Lencana Jaya Diri
Lencana Jaya Diri
(Progress Badge)
Lencana Kemahiran
Lencana Kemahiran
(Skills Badge)
Lencana Kegiatan
Lencana Kegiatan
(Activities Badge)
Lencana Jaya Diri
Lencana Ekspedisi
(Expedition Badge)
  Lencana Kegiatan
Lencana Perkhidmatan
(Service Badge)
The Gold Cord/Lanyard (Highest Award)
To get the Gold Cord/Lanyard, a senior scout must get all 5 progressive badges (not more than 1 badge within 1 month) with conditions:
1. had achieved all 5 badges for 2 months;
2. shows great effort & leadership that worthy of imitation;
3. follows the scouting guidelines; and
4. shows good behavior.
(Gold Cord is consider as the highest award for a senior scout. However, he/she can decide whether or not to pursuit to get the King Scout Award.)

King Scout (Eagle Scout) Award

The ultimate training award for Boy Scouts is the King Scout Award. It requires extremely high standards of self-discipline, leadership and achievement in activity, interests and community services.


Pengakap Raja
Pengakap Raja
(King Scout)

Rover Scout

Progressive Badges:



(Scouting Skills)


(National Affairs)

(Cultural Activities)
(World Affairs)
The Red Cord/Lanyard (Highest Award)

Scout Ranks

Boy/Junior Scout Venture/Senior Scout

Penolong Ketua Pasukan
(Patrol Second)

Penolong Ketua Pasukan
(Patrol Second)

Ketua Pasukan
(Patrol Leader)

Ketua Pasukan
(Patrol Leader)

Ketua Kumpulan
(Troop Leader)

Ketua Kumpulan
(Troop Leader)